Welcome, and thank you for taking an interest in my little project.
The current release is JavaDKIM-RC1, but I hope to make a final relase very soon.

It's not yet fully complete, but it is mostly RFC compliant ;-)

If you download it and take it for a spin, then please feel free to make comments and/or
submit bug reports to the following address:
Obviously remove the _NO__SP__AM_ characters first. My ISP doesn't use my DKIM library yet ;-)

This code is licensed using the GNU GPL Version 2.
A copy of the license can be found here: GNU GPL Version 2

Java DKIM Documentation

The documentation for the latest release of JavaDKIM can always be found here: JavaDKIM Documentation

JavaDKIM-RC1 - Released 2009-01-21

** The Verifier can now handle multiple Signatures, see the setMaximumSigs() options
** The Verifier can now be given a list of bad domains for black listing purposes
** The Verifier can now be given a received time via the VerifyMail() method
** The Canonicaliser can provide a list of RFC recommended headers, which were found in the message
** The Signer can make use of the above, with Signer.setAutoHeaders(true)
** The Signer can generate timestamp and expire headers based on a given timeout

The JAR file for this release can be found here: JavaDKIM-1.0-RC1.jar
The Source code for this release can be found here: JavaDKIM-1.0-RC1.source.tgz

Beta-2 - Released 2008-08-2

** The Signer actually works.... the first release was broken :-(
** The signMail() method can now be given an output stream, so it can write the signed message back out.
** The Verifier has a lenient mode where it will try to fix/workaround broken sigs and/or dns records

The JAR file for this release can be found here: JavaDKIM-1.0-BETA-2.jar
The Source code for this release can be found here: JavaDKIM-1.0-BETA-2.source.tgz

Beta-1 - Released 2008-07-23

The JAR file for this release can be found here: JavaDKIM-1.0-BETA-1.jar
The Source code for this release can be found here: JavaDKIM-1.0-BETA-1.source.tgz